Saturday, July 23, 2005


Ava-ta Very Much!

Over at the HBO Helljumpers' forum, we use our Halo 2 Multiplayer symbols as avatars. The theory is that we'll get to know each other's symbols, and it will help us when we're actually playing. Hah! Hah, I say! Anyway, people started getting a bit tricksy with their avatars, putting them through Photoshop filters or making little Flash animations and the like. There are some very good ones. I asked if someone could make me one that transforms from my Spartan mask H2 emblem into One One Se7en. MereCatfish made this one. I love the way One One Se7en blinks at the end.

And Jaleo (oi oi J-Lo!) made this, which is very slick indeed. Top stuff gents!

Stop press! I'm a lucky lad! Here's yet another, from SF Legend.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Dust and Echoes.

This weekend, my nephews came to stay. Aged four and five, they took great delight playing Halo and Halo 2 on my Xbox. They also loved my Halo action figures (Master Chief version 1, Master Chief version 2 and an Elite). It's a testament to Joyride that the toys survived the experience. My Toy Biz Marvel Legends Iron Man wasn't quite so lucky, and frankly Skeletor's staff of power has seen better days. Anyway, their Dad sent me this to commemorate the occasion...

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Guest Fest.

A few more morsels that have been sent my way.

kilaMOMjaro wrote, "I admit it...I shamelessly steal one one se7en art for my avatars. I was crowned clan MOM some time ago for clan Sword of Laban (SoL). This is the favorite avatar of the guys..."

Pixellated (Pixie, Pixie, Pixie) joined the HBO Helljumpers a while back. He made a load of guest strips and put them on our forum in this thread. I've picked out a couple of my favourites. This first one is an alternative to a sticky kill when you've run out of plasma grenades -

This one is about something that really happens. A lot.

And this one is a Helljumpers' in-joke. It has to do with a little song that some of us sing on Headlong -

Finally, Erich sent this strip about the topic of the moment, modders. I recently submitted my own take on flying hogs that should turn upon HBO in a couple of weeks. That's my story anyway...

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