Sunday, December 03, 2006


Master Sheaf.

Just a catch up and round up of some of the One One Se7en related goings on since the last update. A little while ago, Paul Maestri featured the Chief in his Halo Heads comic.

You can check out the whole strip here.

In response to this strip, Mondo J. Gecko made a follow up (borrowing a little inspiration from BOLL)-

And speaking of BOLL, check out these 360 faceplates he made for an HBO competition.

Still haven't invested in a 360 myself. But Christmas is coming. If I'm a good boy, who knows what Santa might bring down my chimney? From one HBO competition to another (ooh, the slinky links are just flowing). Someone entered a One One Se7en pumpkin to the annual Guilt O'Lantern contest. I would credit whoever it was - but I don't actually know who made it. Nice job though.

I happened upon (what I assume to be) a clan picture on a Halo forum. Hello ladies!

Now for a couple of 'dead' strips. These are comics I submitted to HBO that never saw the light of day. This first one was pulled because Bentllama had made the same joke on the HBO forum (a couple of times in fact!).

And this one never ran for a similar reason - a few people had already made the same observation.

Of course, some may think it a tad hypocritical that these comics were deemed unsuitable because they contained material that had been used before...

The slew of new Halo 3 screenshots have thrown up all sorts of discussions and theories. There was speculation as to what a mysterious blur hiding in the background of this shot might be. RVideo thinks he knows...

Those nice chaps at Podtacular invited me on as guest host a while back.
Have a listen.

That's yer lot. Apart from this seasonal little trinket by Omega. Happy Christmas!

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