Sunday, March 18, 2007


Strip Mining.

It's been a while since I've posted anything on my blog. But here are a few bits and bobs. First up, a strip from me. I was going to submit this for tomorrow's One One Se7en on HBO. But this morning, I discovered Froggy has beaten me to the punch(line).

Here are a couple of guest submissions. This one is from Joe Gribble, and certainly has a ring of truth to it. I've been on both these teams at one time or another.

Next, a strip from Captain Foxx, featuring his own character.

And a one-shot from Cypher.

This is a little sight gag from Jordan 117. Guess he's saying my interpretation of the MC is a little... rectangular.

And finally, for some bizarre reason, One One Se7en goes rave. Retsof-Noraa put this underground scene together. To check it out at full bass-in-me-face volume and bangin' bpm, click here. Th-th-th-that's all folks.

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