Sunday, July 02, 2006


Pro Choice.

Hi de ho! Quite a bit of stuff here. First up, One One Se7en got a nod from another online comic - check out the underwear!

You can see the full Trunks and Soto comic here. It did get me wondering what these fellas would make of it...

Schedonnardus gets Jack Bauer on the case trying to uncover some Halo 3 secrets...

Mankitten takes a look at another artist's interpretation of Cortana. A long, lingering, lascivious look...

Molly Klooster sent me an image the size of a postage stamp. It was 17k and practically unreadable. I've scaled it up and redone the type so it can actually be read. Looks like someone else got to the active camo first...

There was a good old hoo ha about the image used on the cover of this book. Is that a BR I see before me?

Tragic Nocturne muses on the Chief's gun being... borrowed.

And you can see my take on it in this strip.

Reilly Weakley sent me no less than four submissions. Actually, he sent them to Louis Wu. Poor Louis is already sent three too many One One Se7ens every week. Just to clarify, once more, HBO no longer accepts guest strips. Send 'em to me, I'm happy to post all and sundry here.

Mrs Wife might have something to say abut this one. She's just bought one of those new Macbooks - and it does look rather appealing, even to me...

Some Hog launch humour...

And the editorial philosophy of One One Se7en laid bare...

Finally, this is a photograph of a gentleman called Foulacy. He's a professional gamer and part of the Str8 Rippin team. Notice the shirt. A pro player sporting an image that has come to stand for incompetency and betrayal. How very delicious!

Actually Stunt, Foulacy's role is very much like yours. He can't slay, he's the worst player on the team and the only reason he's there is because he's in the clan with the rest of the players. :P
I want to post a comment too...
So says Andz. The MLG wannabe.
What'd everyone think of my strips?
Its Andz what do you expect
woot now Andz is back from NY we can get back to bashing him.

Was anyone able to actually read the text in "Some Hog launch humour"?

[- Andrew Nagy]
The second panel says of hog launch humor says: Cortana (it doesn't say Cortana, that's who's speaking): Actuall Chief the Warthog will just explode. Chief: Well at least I still have over shields. Cortana: No, they're gone. Chief: SON OF A B-!
I Would, know. I made it.
Anybody got the e-mail of RAWPOWER95? I wanna give him a grammar lesson, then maybe next time he will make fun of the right company.
Meh. Get over it.
Microsoft>Mac in gaming world.
Well of course! I'm just pointing out that he wasn't even pitting microsoft at the right company or with the right things. I mean microsoft is a media company, and apple is a hardware company. I know that microsoft rules gaming, they just don't have the fastest computers.
The thing is I like Microsoft's stuff much more than Apple's, and I'm tired of Apple trying to say they're better. That's why I made that comic.
Take the childish "my computer's better than yours" elsewhere gents, or I'll switch the comments off.

I'm not saying mines better than anyone's, I'm just tired of Apple's new ads.

PS. Stuntmutt I don't think you'll like my next guest strip, but it's all in good fun. Everyone else, you'll see what I'm talking about!
Oh, you linked to our comic in the post. Thanks lots, Stuntmutt.

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