Saturday, April 01, 2006


One One $e7en

It's cashing in time! I've finally bitten the bullet and made the first collected edition of One One Se7en strips. Forget any other lame attempts at comic books, this is the real deal.

The cover!

The first 200 comic strips.

It's a 110 page 'perfect bound' softback, featuring the first 200 weekday strips, 10 Sunday strips, 10 annotated strips (including some 'rarities') and 10 brand new exclusive strips that only appear in the book (not including the one that appears in the introduction so, er, 11 really).

Explaining how it's not funny if I have to explain it...

If it's a success, other collections will follow (definitely another one, two if I make it as far as 600 strips). The book costs £6.99 (which works out at $12.50 for those of you across the pond), and can be ordered from my Cafe Press page. If you really want, you can also order a vandalised copy from me directly, with my name scrawled all over the inside cover and any particular dedication you might care for.

One of the exclusive strips created just for the book.

I must confess, I'm actually rather pleased with the finished thing. It's nice to have kicking around on the coffee table next to the Stephen Hawking. Even so, 95% of the content is available for free on HBO. And although I've tried to keep the price as reasonable as possible, like I mention in the introduction, I can't really see why anyone would buy this for one minute.

The introduction - with bonus strip.
This is just mean, to do something like this but have it not be real. Oh well.
ahem.... look at the date.......
I really wish this was real,

I would buy myself a copy!
Oh the realism!
Nicely done Stunt, all my base are belong to you...
Wat the...its fake? you serious?, aw man...
Even if this is a fake, can i have one anyway?

What? It's fake! Come on, dude. I would totally buy this for even more than $12.50. Why don't you do this for real?
Stunt - you should actually do this. C'mon! I'd buy it!
Heck I would buy it too. IF not then I am going to be useing the ctrl c and v keys alot more than grunts bane. probibly save a few buck doing that.
How about actually doing this next time the Halo community is trying to raise money for a good cause and give the profits to it?

People who want the book get it, charity makes money, you lose nothing.
Seriously Stunt.... I would part with money in order to see your wretched drawings blemishing several pages of a book. ITS WORTH IT D:

I'd pay like, fifty bucks for this.

Make it.

Please?! ._.
The store doesn't work. I don't get it. What's wrong? I want one! This is so unfair. Life is so unfair!
AHHHH Come on man make on seriously i would pay way more then your asking to have this thats awesome!! i wants...........
Seriously Stunt, that’s evil to get my hopes up like that. That’s it your officially on my hit list. Bad puppy, bad.
At least give us higher resolution pics!
Stuntmutt, i have a bussiness proposition: You figure out how much it would cost to make this book then we all preorder a copy and you use the funds to make the book.
Howzat sound?
id pay alot of money if this was real.........curse you man.
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