Saturday, November 06, 2004


The Daleks Had A Similar Problem.

Recently had great fun making this entry for HBO's Guilt O'Lantern competition. Compared to almost all the other entries, it's embarrassingly bad. But something that was really nice was that my lady friend joined in and helped. It's sort of the first Halo thing she's joined me in. I once tried to teach her to play. Not being used to FPS games (or indeed video games at all), it wasn't a great success. In fact, her progress was utterly thwarted not by Elites, or even Hunters...but by the stairs. The Master Chief stood bumping into walls, falling off platforms or generally looking at his shoes as marines were cut down all around him. In this alternate reality, Earth fell to the Covenant much earlier. Due to a flight of stairs.

But she is VERY pretty.
One rather amusing thing (I thought) was her reaction to some of the in game dialogue. Hearing something one of the marines shouted (triggered by the appearance of the Chief), this was the response -

I often wondered where they got to . . .

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